Friday, February 12, 2010

Food = love.

My second-most favorite thing in the world, and what I'll probably share most on this blog, is my LOVE OF FOOD!. I was a born foodie, having been trained from eating the most delicious food cooked by my mom. I love eating and cooking and eating and baking and eating! I will try my best to provide photos, recipes, and as many details that I can of the delicious food I eat and/or create.
My friend from work made the most delicious cupcakes today. One was a classic southern-style (authentic!) Red Velvet cupcake, and the other was an original recipe Cookies & Cream mini cupcake. Sorry I don't have a photo, but I inhaled the cupcakes before I thought to snap a pic. The cakes had a wonderful dense, moist texture and the frostings had delicious flavor without being super-sweet. My friend hopes to open a cupcake shop, and I wish her all the success in the world!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


Of all the things I enjoy in life and plan to share on this blog, my favorite is PAPER ROBOTS!  I had been a fan of origami since childhood (especially Kusudama, a form of origami where you fold a bunch of paper flowers and sew the ends together to form a sphere).  I was introduced to papercraft toys about 5 years ago, and haven't stopped making them since.  Although I have yet to design my own, I love exploring the many talented artists out there designing their papertoys and sharing them for free with the online papercraft community. 

This is one of the last paperrobots I constructed.  It is courtesy of and the design can be downloaded for free here:

I thought this day would never come (#1)

God, I thought this day would never come.  I've had this blog set up for over a year.  I'm finally writing my first post, and of course, I have nothing of interest to say.  Well, at least there are now some words to read with your eyes.  Enjoy.